Saturday, 26 August 2023




Isaiah 22:19-23; Rom 11:33-36; Mt 16:13-20


Although Jesus Christ did not come to please people like the politicians; we find Jesus in Mat 16:13 taking a poll amongst His disciples. At this point in Jesus ministry, the news of His preaching and miracles had spread all around. The religious leaders had also heard about Jesus Christ and they didn’t like what they had heard. He was a threat to their power and prestige amongst the Jews. The Pharisees had accused Jesus of getting His power from Satan. He had been rejected by His home town. So in the midst of growing opposition and surrounded by crowds of people who liked Him but did not understand Him, He took his disciples and left Israel. He went north out of Israel into Gentile territory, to a place called Caesarea Philippi. Jesus knew that it would not be long before He would be crucified. He knew that He would be leaving this earth. This was the time that Jesus was going to find out where the disciples stood. Jesus asked His disciples 2 questions. The first question is in verse 13, "Who do people say the Son of Man is?" Jesus wanted His disciples to acknowledge what other people were saying. So they gave him the four most popular answers about who Jesus is. "Some say John the Baptist (that was Herod’s answer); others say Elijah (that was very popular because the Jews expected Elijah to return); and still others, Jeremiah (he was the greatest of the later prophets) or one of the prophets (that is, he was a spokesman for God)."

Jesus then asked His disciples a more important question. "But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?". Peter¡¦s answer is very specific. Simon Peter answered, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."  This is a very important statement for us to catch. Peter did not figure Jesus identity out on his own. This was revealed to him by God.

The church is made up of men and women who confess this truth. Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God. Things haven’t changed much. Some people today still think Jesus was just a prophet – non-Christian religions for example recognize that He was a good teacher and a fine religious leader, but surely not the only begotten Son of God. Some think He’s just a myth, a figment of our imagination. He’s a crutch for weak-minded people.

Others think that He was a great historical figure, certainly a good man, a good teacher, a man of character and integrity but not God. He can be any number of things to an endless number of people, and it is easy to become appalled at what many think about Jesus. He was hated and ridiculed then and He is hated and ridiculed today.  People always have and always will be confused about who Jesus is.

The name Christ is the official title of our Lord, occurring 514 times in the New Testament. It means that He was anointed or consecrated to His great redemptive work as Prophet, Priest, and King of his people.  To Abraham He was the ram. To Israel He was the lamb. To Ruth He was a Redeemer. To Nehemiah He was a Master Builder. To David He was the Tender Shepherd. To Solomon He is the Wise and All-Knowing God. To Amos He was the Burden Bearer. To Malachi He was the Sun of Righteousness with healing in His wings. To Mark He was the Suffering Servant. To John He was the Light of the world. To Paul He was a Wonderful Savior.

The Bible says that Jesus is… our Lord, our Comforter, our Advisor, our Mediator, our Strength, our Inspiration, our Protector, our Provider, our Shepherd, our Master·

If you really want to know who Jesus is, then you need to get into the book that identifies who He is! We’ve considered who other people say Jesus is, and more importantly we’ve considered who the Bible says Jesus is, but now let’s consider the third and most important question of them all.



· He began His ministry by being hungry, yet He is the Bread of Life.

· Jesus ended His earthly ministry by being thirsty, yet He is the Living Water.

· Jesus was weary, yet He is our rest.

· Jesus paid tribute, yet He is the King.

· Jesus was accused of having a demon, yet He cast out demons.

· Jesus wept, yet He wipes away our tears. Jesus was sold for thirty pieces of silver, yet He redeemed the world.

· Jesus was brought as a lamb to the slaughter, yet He is the Good Shepherd.

· Jesus died, yet by His death He destroyed the power of death.

Conclusion: A lot of people name the name of Jesus, but what does that really mean for you? The devil names the name of Jesus, but what does that mean? The devil is not an atheist. He knows that Jesus is real. He knows there is a God, but operates as if there were no God. He believes in God, but he doesn’t love Him.  He acknowledges God, but he doesn’t glorify Him. Jesus wants to be real in your life but it’s up to you whether He will be or not. You see, Jesus already knows who you think He is – He is asking you this question today so you might recognize whether He has the pre-eminence in your life like He deserves! Who is Jesus to you? Is He your magic genie or is He the Christ, the Son of the living God in your life? Is He your sugar daddy in the sky? Or is He God, the Lord and Master of your life?

👉21st Sunday in Ordinary Time; 27th August 2023

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Baptism of the Lord by Fr Nelson Lobo OFM Cap

  WONDERING GURU Isaiah 42: 1-4, 6-7 or (40: 1-5, 9-11);  Psalm 104: 1b-2, 3-4, 24-30 Titus 2: 11-14; 3: 4-7;  Luke 3: 15-16, 21-22   ...