Friday 11 October 2024

“The Young Ruler-he left heaven when he left Jesus!” by Fr. Nelson Lobo OFM Cap


28 Sunday in Ordinary Time, 13 Oct 2024

(Wis 7: 7-11 Ps 90: 12-17 Heb 4: 12-13; Mk 10: 17-30)

Introduction-- Jesus loved meeting people. He was always ready to listen to their problems, to answer their questions as he walked in Palestine. Jesus longed to point men and women towards the Kingdom of God, but one thing he never did was to compromise his standards. If they didn’t want to follow His way, that was their choice – and their responsibility. He was very sorry, often visibly grieved, if they couldn’t find it in their hearts to accept his terms for entry into his Kingdom, but inevitably they exclude themselves.

What an attractive candidate he was! “A rich, young ruler”. This was someone not to be missed! You don’t get applicants like this every day! A good bank balance is desirable. To have youth on one’s side is an asset. We don’t know what this wealthy young man ruled, but to be in a position to tell other people what to do was rather satisfying. However, it’s more than likely that as he thoughtfully reviewed his life, he came to the conclusion that he had a problem. Although he enjoyed being rich, being young, and being a influential, he realised that one day, sooner or later, it would all have to end. One day he would die.

Someone may have said to him, “Have you ever heard of Jesus of Nazareth?” “No, who is he?” “He’s this new preacher who goes on about the Kingdom of God and offering eternal life to anyone who follows him.” This struck a chord. “Eternal life? That’s the very thing I need. I’ll go and see him.” And he did. He ran, broke through the crowd, threw himself on his knees before Jesus and said in effect, “I have a need, and you have the answer. What must I do to inherit eternal life?” The answer that Jesus gave him sent him away as empty as he had come.  Let’s look st the character of this man.


1. He was EAGER -He didn’t hesitate. He wanted to know the answer. He wanted to know what to do.  His eagerness led him to Jesus.

2. He was HUMBLE – Even though he was rich and had respectable position in the society he knelt before Jesus. He knew that Jesus commanded respect.

3. He had COURAGE-He ran when no one else ran. It is easy to run with the crowd. It is harder to run alone. Here was a man alone.

4. He had DISCERNMENT- He called Jesus "Good Master". He saw in Jesus what many failed to see. He saw the goodness and holiness of God.

5. He was RELIGIOUS - "What shall I do..." He had a concern for spiritual things. He came with a solemn, urgent, vital, spiritual question. Here is a man concerned about his eternal soul.  He fasted, tithed, went to the synagogue etc.

6. He was MORALLY CLEAN -Here is a morally clean young man. There are no bad habits to stain him. There is no shady past to deal with. He is not a sassy, hippy, free-love, rebel. He would make a good citizen and fine neighbor. Many a mother would like to see her daughter marry a man like this. Many parishes would put this man into a church office.

7. He was RICH -The bible does not condemn money but the love of it. What possibilities this man’s wealth could have done for the Kingdom of God had it been dedicated and put to work for God.

8. He was YOUNG - Mt.19:20 tells us this. This man was young and came to Jesus. He did not want to sow his wild oats first and then turn to God. He came to Jesus with all his youthful energy.

9. He had SOCIAL STATUS - Lk 18:18 says he was a ruler. Many in our day will forsake God for social prestige, power, popularity, name and fame. Here was a ruler willing to fall at the feet of a carpenter’s son.


•         Human being is fundamentally religious and therefore is oriented towards heaven. The basic needs of man cannot be satisfied by the possessions of fame, fortune, or anything in this life. This world cannot satisfy the soul of man. This vacuum of the heart is beautifully expressed by St. Augustine who said “our hearts are made for you Lord.  They are restless until they rest in you”.

•         Opportunities don’t last forever. Many pass away very swiftly. Here this young man stood at the gate to heaven and then left. He came running and went away sad. Every day that we reject God increases the possibility that you will be lost forever. Mk 8:36 - What is a man profited if he gains the whole world and lose his own soul..." Look at what he was offered. He was offered a Savior - that would save his soul. He was offered a Cross - that would lead to a crown. He was offered a home in heaven. Look at what he refused. He refused it all.  He had a hunger in his soul but he was not saved. He is like the average 20th Century modern church member.  Jesus loved this young man. There was something attractive about his earnestness in keeping the law as he saw it. Jesus admired his humble determination to find a conclusion to his search.

Conclusion: Do we see ourselves here. He came but he went away. Do you not see how you can climb to the very door of heaven and yet fall into hell? Do you not see how much you can know and yet be foolish? Do you not see how much you can do and yet do nothing? It is possible to talk to Jesus and into his face and yet go away. You can live with Jesus and not know Him. Judas did it. The Rich Young Ruler: WHERE DID HE GO? Did he go to his friends? He had not found in his friends what satisfied or he would not have sought out Jesus. WHERE DID HE GO? Back to his pleasures? I doubt if he found satisfaction there. WHERE DID HE GO? did he go to heaven? Remember he came to Jesus but he went away.







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“The Young Ruler-he left heaven when he left Jesus!” by Fr. Nelson Lobo OFM Cap

WONDERING GURU 28 Sunday in Ordinary Time, 13 Oct 2024 (Wis 7: 7-11 Ps 90: 12-17 Heb 4: 12-13; Mk 10: 17-30) Introduction -- Jesus loved mee...