Monday, 29 August 2022

Why Goans should remember 29th August every year? Fr. Nelson Lobo OFM Cap

 Wondering Guru (72)

Have you ever wondered 

Why Goans should  remember 29th August every year? 

               It's the death anniversary of Goa's favourite saint of course after St. Anthony and St. Francis Xavier. So how many Goans will attend the death anniversary mass of John the Baptist?  How many will remain silent, drop a tear and may be pray a rosary in his memory? 

       When someone is murdered people take out morcha and have candle light processions. Will there be lighted candles 'procession' or anniversary photos on newspapers or on FB/Insta in his name?  
        All those who had grand celebration on Sào Jòa day will they spend the day in silence and prayer? The bitter truth is people will be with us during our happy days.  The birth of JB is celebrated with great pomp and glory but his death..? 
       When we laugh the world laughs with us. When we cry we cry alone. After our death we are remembered no more. It's  good to wonder about why we do what we do. JB remained honest, faithful and fearless till the end. May we have the courage to imitate his principles and virtues. 


  1. Very true fr Nelson...Thank u for sharing

  2. Meaningful message Fr Nelson Lobo.
    We must pray for our saints, they really work hard for the mankind.
    Life teaches us a new lesson everyday. Nothing is permanent, especially people, don't have your hopes high. Friends become strangers, lovers become friends and people leave. Just flow with the moment and be happy. God bless you Always Fr.

  3. Meaningful message Fr Nelson Lobo.
    We must pray for our saints, they really work hard for the mankind.
    Life teaches us a new lesson everyday.
    Nothing is permanent . Especially people, don't have your hopes high. Friends become strangers, lovers become friends and people leave. Just flow with the moment and be happy.
    God bless you always Fr.

  4. Fr.Nelson your YouTube videos n Blogs are really Scintillating


Baptism of the Lord by Fr Nelson Lobo OFM Cap

  WONDERING GURU Isaiah 42: 1-4, 6-7 or (40: 1-5, 9-11);  Psalm 104: 1b-2, 3-4, 24-30 Titus 2: 11-14; 3: 4-7;  Luke 3: 15-16, 21-22   ...