As Indians Independence Day is important for us and as Catholics the Feast of Assumption is equally important. Have you ever wondered? We adore Christ in the man made Tabernacle. Mother Mary instead became the Living Tabernacle chosen by God. She preserved and nourished in her womb a lawgiver greater than Moses; the living bread greater than manna in the Old Testament; the High Priest greater than Aaron.
With this she becomes the new Ark of the Covenant. So is it any surprise that this Living Tabernacle and the Ark of the covenant is taken body and soul to heaven? Wherever there is Jesus there has to be the Living Tabernacle and the New Ark of the Covenant.
Today we also bless the first fruits/first crop of the harvest. The best is offered to God in gratitude like Abel. Mary is the first and the best fruit of humanity. She is our gift to God. Think about it and be proud of our Catholic Faith.
On patriotic days we are naturally inclined to think of our freedom and our rights but we forget our duties and our contribution to the society. On feast days we think of celebrations and parties but we forget to imitate the virtues and the inspiring life of the saints or of our dear Mother Mary. More than external celebrations let's try to become good citizens and good Christians.
Wish you a very happy Independence Day and a very Happy Feast of Assumption. God bless our country and our church.