Prov 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mat 25:14-15, 19-21
There are many good
people, nice people with lot of talent for God’s kingdom. The only thing is
they never move from potentiality to productivity. They many times behave like the great car that
looks good, the motor sounds impressive, the lights radio and horn are all in
working condition, it has brand new tyres, but the transmission is stuck in the
neutral, it is not going anywhere. The third servant in the parable behaves the
same way. He had the talent, he had the
blessing of the master, he had the opportunity, he had the potential but never
moved over to productivity.
It's a tough parable, isn't it? I think that most of us would identify with this 1-talent man than with the 5-talent or 2-talent man. The 1-talent man was just an ordinary person, a lot like us. He did something that wasn't all that smart. But he didn't steal it or embezzle it. He just didn't invest it. Then when the master returned, he presented it back to Him just the way that he had received it. But why? What was his problem?
Someone said he did what he did because he felt
inferior. When you're rubbing shoulders with 5-talent & 2-talent people,
& you watch them rubbing shoulders with other 5-talent & 2-talent
people, & then you look at yourself, it is easy to begin to feel inferior. When
you see people doing things with grace & ease, & you have to struggle
just to do those things, it's easy to identify yourself as a 1-talent person.
There was nothing really special about him. He didn't stand out in the crowd.
He was an average person, just like us. So, he felt inferior.
Let me ask you some
hypothetical questions. "What if the 5-talent man had buried his 5 talents
in the ground?" Off course! They would have all been taken away from him,
& he would have been considered "wicked, lazy, worthless," just
like the 1-talent man. Or what if the 1-talent man had invested his 1 talent?
You know the answer. When the master returned, he would have been given more
talents. He would have been considered a faithful servant, too.
Let me ask another
hypothetical question. "What if the 1-talent man had invested his talent
& lost it?" But that idea isn't even suggested. Why? Because God's
Word, as best I can ascertain, never commands us to be successful but to be
faithful. That’s what Mother Teresa
always said: “we are not called to be successful but to be faithful”. Nowhere in the bible God says, "If you
try & fail, I will condemn you."
There are hundreds of parishes
across Europe that at one time were 5-talent parishes. But they buried their
talents & now they are empty. There are thousands of Christians (may be
millions) who reached a level of maturity in their Christian faith & then
became self-satisfied & complacent. They decided they didn't need to grow
anymore, or pray anymore, or study anymore. And they started dying spiritually
because they buried their talents. Therefore, todays gospel reading comes as a
caution. We Christians must cultivate an attitude like Martha Berry.
Story: Martha
Berry was a lady with a vision to help children. She began a school for poor
children. She had no books, no building and no money. But she had a dream. She
went to Henry Ford to ask for a donation. Mr. Ford reached into his pocket gave
Martha Berry a dime. Most people would have been insulted, here he is a
multi-millionaire and all he could give was a dime. But Martha took that dime
and bought a packet of seeds and planted a garden, raised a crop, sold it and
bought more seeds. After three or four harvest she had enough money to purchase
an old building for the children. She returned to Mr. Ford and said, “Look what
your dime has done.” The man was so impressed that he donated a million dollars
to Berry School.
Do you act like the one
talent guy or do you act like Martha Berry? Is your church/parish behaving like
the one talent guy or like Martha Berry? When God blesses us with talents God has
certain expectations from us. If we meet
up with His expectations as today’s gospel tells us He will reward us.
Fruitfulness- It is not
enough to be ‘faithful.’ Jesus expects us to be fruitful. In fact, He has
promised to help us to do that if we abide in Him. (John 15:16). Faithfulness
is not just showing up every Sunday. Jesus expects us to do what He asks (John
15:10). Are you merely coming to the church, or are you coming for worship? God
expects you to get out there and take some risks in investing your gifts and
The pleasure of hearing
Jesus say, “Well done.” The honour of ruling with Christ. The invitation of
entering into Christ’s joy.
1. “God hasn’t given me
any special gifts like others.” Many talk as if God didn’t give them any
spiritual gifts. If only they had understood (Eph. 2:10; 2 Tim. 1:9; 1 Peter
4:10; Mat 25:14-30).
2. “I can’t do much like others.”-Each one was given a
different amount. God will not ask whether we did as much as the person sitting
next to us, only what we did with what He entrusted to us.
3. “God is asking too much.”- ‘reaping’ and
‘gathering’- Once Christians begin to read the Bible and see Jesus high
expectations (e.g ‘Take up your cross. . .’), they feel ready to turn back
because they think He’s asking too much of them.
Conclusion: God
gives, & then He leaves us alone. He doesn't coerce us. He gives, &
then He leaves it in our hands. He does open doors of opportunity. He gives us
visions & dreams. He allows us to see just a little bit of what might be.
But then He waits for us to use what He has given, & to see if we will be
faithful with it. He has equipped us for the call. He has blessed us for the
service. He has given us the talent to use. What is He going to find on
judgment day?
Jesus wants all of us to
use the talents He has given us. Someone once said: “Work like you have no
money. Love like you have never been hurt. Dance like nobody’s watching. Sing
like nobody’s listening. Live like it’s Heaven on Earth”.
👉33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A-November 19 2023,
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