Saturday, 25 June 2022

Why people dig up the past, destroy the present and make the future uncertain?


 Fr Nelson Lobo OFM Cap


       Have you ever wondered why people dig up the past and by doing so destroy the present and make the future uncertain?   Have you ever wondered why the present generation is made to suffer for the atrocities of the past with which they had no connection?                 

      There is a strange pleasure or weird satisfaction in the blame game.  It doesn't matter whether the particular person/community/government who is accused off is innocent or guilty. Humans just love to point fingers at others. These are called regressive minds (RMs). People who cannot see forward but only backward. They like to look into the rear mirror while driving the car. You can imagine the outcome of that drive. This also happens when these RMs  have nothing to discuss about the present or the future. Politicians are experts in recognizing this human tendency though they have no psychological degree.

    RMs dig up the past wounds, blame others, justify their 'digging' and crucify the present. Such mentality is exploited by the politicians when they have nothing to boast about the present. To submerge the real present issues that are plaguing the nation and the society they try to dig up the past and get the RMs engaged aggressively. This aggression is lit by politicians by using religious and Bollywood torchlight.  The brainless RMs get caught up in the religious and cultural aggression. The end result is  revenge and hatred in the country. The present plaguing issues are forgotten. Blame game continues. Religious hatred is spewed. Politicians are happy. But there are pockets of intelligent voices here and there who recognise the evil plan of the politicians. They are called Progressive Minds (PMs). 

Politicians hate PMs because they think differently. PMs know the past. They  discuss the present issues and plan for the all inclusive future human development. For   them human development, empowering all people is much more crucial than just building roads and bridges and metros. So my dear friend have you ever wondered in which category your mind belongs too? Is it one of RMs or PMs? It's time we question our thinking. It's  time we stop looking backward. It's time we look forward together hand in hand. It's time we stop listening to useless political speeches. It's time we stop watching and believing politically motivated main stream paid media. Give a chance to your brains to think differently but rightly. 

First published on Facebook on 28th March 2022

Holy Triduum Musings by Fr Nelson Lobo OFM Cap


As the most Holy Triduum starts, here are few questions for your reflection. 

1) What does passover meal signify? 

2) Was washing of feet absolutely necessary? 

3) How is passover meal related to mass and priesthood? 

4) If Good Friday is the story of Jesus's death then Why were there two more crosses? Why was he not crucified alone? 

5) Why did  resurrected Christ show himself first to a woman and not to his apostles? 

6) We are so afraid of death and therefore we pray that God may save our life. Praying to remain alive does it mean that death is not part of God's plan? Does it mean that those who are healed are loved by God and those who are not are not loved by God? 

Do reflect on these questions these days. Bible will come alive in your life and make more sense if you ask relevant questions.  8th April 2022

Pope kissing the feet of African Leaders by Fr. Nelson Lobo OFM Cap

 Wondering Guru

The video of our beloved Pope kissing the feet of African leaders has gone viral. If only all the world leaders had invested in little bit of humility for the sake of peace in this world, this world would have been a beautiful place to live in.  But then if they invest in humility and peace they will have to close down all arms & ammunition factories.  That would mean gigantic loss of billions of dollars. 

Well! who does not want money? Who wants to pull the shutters down on a shop that consistently generates income and sustains political campaigns and hi-fi life style of world leadership? Many international and intra-national problems are solved by acts of humility and peace rather than by war of words. 

Hate speech generates hate speech.  Too much of it becomes a disease. It infects the speaker, his family and friends. This can ultimately lead to civil war or a full fledged military action. The world has no  need of "I don't care attitude' leadership. The world today is in great need of compassionate leadership.  Leaders who can feel the pain of innocent suffering and dying. Realizing this truth Jesus the greatest compassionate leader washes the feet of his disciples and sets the world an example in compassionate leadership founded on humility. 13 April 2019

Political Election during Lent Season by Fr Nelson Lobo OFM Cap

 Wondering Guru

A humble request to all Catholics. We are in Holy Week please refrain from commenting on politics. Do not get into arguments and dirty talks.  You will have enough time to debate after Easter. 

Do not worry about the Church. No authority can wipe off the Church. The Church i.e the baptised Christians belong to Jesus. So Jesus will take care of His bride the church. 

The great Pharaoh tried to finish Israel but was himself defeated. The great Roman emperors tried to finish Christianity but it survived under their very nose for 330years. 

So if emperors and kings with absolute authority could do very little why do you worry about a particular government in a democracy? Relax! Strengthen your faith. Where there is faith there is no worry and where there is worry there is no faith. 

Politics is a big temptation to shift focus from the cross. I suggest engage your minds and hearts on the agony of Jesus and Mary on the cross. Discuss issues like why God chose cross to save us? Which crooked mind invented punishment of the cross?  Mary chosen by God hardly had good life. Why she had to undergo so much pain? 

My dear fellow brothers n sisters happy preparation for Easter.  15 April 2019

Easter an Eye Opener by Fr Nelson Lobo

 Wondering Guru

More than the apostles the priests and pharisees believed that Jesus will rise so they kept soldiers to guard the tomb. If the apostles and women had really believed what Jesus had told them about rising on the third day they should have been present near the tomb with lighted candles and incense for adoration.  Three years with the Lord was still not enough. Sometimes even for us Christians so many years in the church and still we doubt or deny. We can do two things: either accept what the Bible says or reject it out rightly. If you accept you can't but share it. So first believe and then go and tell the world that Jesus is risen. A dead founder cannot save but a risen saviour who conquered death can save all. Happy Easter 

Controversy about the title Goemcho Saib by Fr. Nelson Lobo OFM Cap

 WONDERING GURU (106)       

             Have you ever wondered about the 'side effects' of the recent thundering and lightening in amchem Goem ?  Well! lightening burnt some live coconut trees and thundering sent some under the blanket crying out to SFX Goemchea Saiba makam pav makam kedinch sadinaka

It's a popular belief that SFX amcho Goemcho Saib has been protecting amchem Goem for a very long time. But this thundering and lightening had terrible side effect on an old man who does not know what to do in his sunset years. The thundering woke him up from his long coma and the lightening got his otherwise dormant brain activated. May be his brain cells got fused due to extra voltage and he lost his right thinking power. 

Where was this old man during last 60 years? Why was he silent so long if he is convinced that SFX is not Goemcho Saib? Was he a coward to speak up afraid of the then government? Why now is his mouth  blabbering ? Is it because the present government is favourable to him and tolerates his fused mind that keeps on thinking of disturbing communal harmony? So we are not wrong in calling him an opportunist. He waited for long in his comatose state to create this tension among goans. In his retirement may be he does not know what to do with his life. Maybe dying in oblivion scares him so his retired brains decides to think of  a controversial topic . 

When such guys have nothing to boast about their life they hatch up controversies to hide their sins and to promote themselves as patriotic. Fortunately people are well educated today and they can read in between the lines. It's a common knowledge that this old dormant brain is a hate monger. Goans of all religions have lived peacefully  as friends and good neighbours for decades. Thousands of people of other religions regard SFX as Goemcho Saib. The popular title of SFX will always remain in the hearts of all the Goans. Hate mongers like that old man will come and go but the title of SFX as Goemcho Saib will remain forever in people's hearts. If the old man wants to open up Goa Files on 3rd May,  i call upon all goans of all religions to display a photo of SFX with the title Goemcho Saib on their social media status & profile pics. Let's tell the whole world that SFX is Goemcho Saib and that people from all over India love him and come to visit him.

Too many bad incidents are happening in India against minorities.  I never thought Goa would also be a part of communal disharmony. Such communal tensions can spread like wildfire when good people like you remain silent. When you choose to remain silent you become a part of the crime against humanity. We need people to stand up against hate mongers. Those who divide the society on basis of culture and religion need to be pulled up. Constantly digging the past to create hate and division among the present generation needs to be totally stopped.  We need to look forward not backward. Why should the present generation pay for the 'sins' of the past generation? If the present generation chooses to be happy and friendly why do some instigate hate? Hatred is a disease that have killed millions of people in the past. Nazism is the perfect example.  Goa needs people who can lead us into the future, with a new vision bereft of hate and prejudices. 

Only when we choose to heal our past can we happily embrace the future. Ignorance is many times bliss. What the Portuguese rulers and other foreign rulers did in the past makes no difference to us the present Goans. What we the present generation are going to do to our future, to our communal harmony and to our peaceful living will make all the difference. People with community building mind please stand up and lead us. Long Live San Francis Xavier amcho Goemcho Saib. R.I.P Goa Files. Viva Goa Viva to Goan communal harmony.

Chowkidar of the Son of God by Fr. Nelson Lobo OFM Cap

Wondering Guru

On every 1st of May the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of Chowkidar of the  Son of God. He was not a Chowkidar who sort publicity in fact he did not say even a word. He was a Chowkidar who believed in action more than words. He was a Chowkidar and a leader who respected women and took care of His family. He did not abandon them for his selfish ambitions. He was a Chowkidar of faith who listened to the will of God and obeyed. 

As a patron of workers and the universal church wishing you a happy feast of St. Joseph and seeking his blessings on your family. May all our families learn from this Chowkidar of God to work hard silently, to be respectful towards women and to teach our children the value of manual labour. 

New Konkani movie GOA FILES by Fr Nelson Lobo

 *WONDERING GURU (107)           

Dear Goan, Have you ever wondered about soon to be released the New konkani movie called GOA FILES?  The highlights of the movie are.........

👉🏼File No. 1  WHY Petrol Price hike?

👉🏼File No 2.  WHY unemployment  of the Qualified?

👉🏼File No 3. WHY increase in Electricity & Water Bills rates? 

👉🏼File No 4. WHY suffering of the local people at Mopa?

👉🏼File No 5. WHY Coal Transportation & Double Tracking in Goa? 

👉🏼File No 6. WHY Disruption of Communal Harmony by some anti social elements?

👉🏼File No 7. WHY Casinos & Drugs in Goa?

👉🏼File No 8. WHY no stopping jumping Political Frogs? 

👉🏼File No 9. WHY still pot holes and constant digging of roads? 

👉🏼File No 10 WHY the rape of the mountains & the Plastic Menace?

                             The movie wants to tell the world WHY modern goans are NOT interested to know................. 

👉🏼about inquisition and what the Portuguese did in the past.              

👉🏼how our ancestors suffered under foreign rule        

👉🏼Who got the title Goemcho Saib, How & why. 

👉🏼Who embraced which religion. They firmly believe in the freedom of choice, religion & profession.

 The Goa Files movie wants the world to know....................

👉🏼 What the present Government is doing to it's people which affects their present life and will also affect their future?        

👉🏼 Why the present generation is suffering under the present rule?            

👉🏼Why we Goans are not getting jobs even after qualification?            

👉🏼 Why government jobs are sold out? Why bribes? Why influence?            

👉🏼  Why some hard nuts anti social elements want to disrupt the beautiful communal harmony of our little Goa?                 

 DO WATCH THE MOVIE with your family and friends. Don't look backward. Look forward. 😉😉😉😉😉😉

Which is the luckiest day in the Catholic Calendar? Fr. Nelson Lobo OFM Cap

 Wondering Guru (89)

 Hello Catholic have you ever wondered which is the luckiest day in the Catholic Calendar? Before you read further try to make 3 guesses. It's the feast day of St. Mathias. WHY? 

St. Matthias according to Acts 1: 15-26 was chosen  by the 11 apostles to replace Judas. His apostleship is unique because he was not chosen by Jesus but by the remaining 11 apostles. How did they choose him?

By praying and casting lots. The lot fell on Matthias. Since the lot cannot be predicted before hand whoever gets it is said to be lucky. So on the feast of St. Matthias (14 May) let me wish you a happy lucky day. 

A call to Professional attitude in Christian Life by Fr Nelson Lobo OFM Cap

 Our God is a professional God. He is a specialist in His department. God the Father is a specialist in creation and providence. God the Son is a specialist in healing and salvation. God the Spirit is a specialist in guidance and  sanctification. 

As we commemorate the feast of Ascension we remind ourselves that our goal as a Christian is to be where Jesus is (ascending to reclaim His glory and majesty). To achieve that goal we too need to be specialist in our Christian commitments of telling others about Jesus with Love, of remaining faithful to the faith we profess. Single minded devotion to this mission makes us also professional and specialists. Happy feast of Ascension.

What could be the greatest compliment you could receive before you leave this earth? Fr. Nelson Lobo OFM Cap



                St. John lived a life of minimalism. His life was far flung from modern materialistic and consumeristic society. Did you know that simple life facilitates growth in holiness. Simplicity and holiness are two sides of the same coin. Therefore simple life style has the power to uproot greed and stress in human life. Simplicity also gives you the strength to be courageous for the enemy cannot destroy your belongings because you have none.                                                                                                           Because of his simplicity, honesty and courage to speak the truth even in kings court Jesus gave him the highest compliment any human can ever imagine. Jesus said that he was the greatest born of a woman. No Degree, no Presidents Medal or Oscar award or Nobel prize can match up to this compliment.                                                                                                                                                           Hope by keeping far away the materialistic desires and imitating the virtues of John the Baptist we too may find favour in Gods eyes.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Thursday, 23 June 2022

Invite the Real Sào Jõao for Sào Jõao Festak by Fr. Nelson Lobo


 Invite the Real Sào Jõao for Sào Jõao Festak. 


  This year let us invite the real Sào Jõa for Sào Jõa festak. Will the real Sao Jòa jump in the well? will the real Sào Jòao take kopachem? Will the real Sào Jõao wear kopel fullachem? Will the real Sào Jòao eat sorpotel dukrachem? If we invite the real Sào Jõao what will  he talk to us? 

What songs will he sing with us?                                    

Tum illo ghe nakai re...mhojea navan bebde zai nakat re...oslim festam pieunk korunk na

jivit tumchem ibadd nakat re...mhakam baint uddoi nakat re...tumchea modem hanv sobona

Herodin makam bondkonint ghatlo ani tumi makam battlen ghatlo mure...

hanvem sanglelem patok soddat rudon korat pun tumi moji xikon baint udoili re.                             

Hanv saiba poltodi vetam... Oslim festam poisu dortam...

mhak saiba vat dakoi...hanv porto Jerusaleak vetam. 

aga mhojea ...goemkar bhava...oslim festam korunk tumkam konne xinkoileam... 

voi konne xinkoileam....

age mhoje goemkar boinni…pavsan bhizun kitem kortat tumi baim koddi…

voi baim koddi.

ghe ghe ghe ghe ghe, ghe re baba...Jezucho uzvadd ghe...Jezucho uzvadd ghe...

ghe ghe ghe ghe ghe, ghe ge bhoinni….Jezucho mukutt ghe…Jezucho mukutt ghe…

 Mogall goemkaranom! Sào Jõa-chea zolmacho dis goemkarank kuxalkaecho. Garach ravun famili sangata Kuxalkaein saru-ia and kuxalkai vanttu-ia.  Sào Jõao sotacho ani niticho munis aslo mun uggdas kaddu-ia. Soro, bebdikai, pozddepon ani pixeponn pois korun Sào Jõao bhaxen nitiche ani sotache munis zaunk  oslim festam don pavtti ieunk deva lagim magu-ia! Viva Sao Joa! Bom fest! 

Wednesday, 22 June 2022




(The fallacy of this argument from a Christian perspective)


Whenever there is some scandal in religious circles or communal disturbances the common online mantra is ‘I believe in humanity not in any religion. Humanity is my religion’. Off late this declaration has become a fad of the masses especially of the netizens. Before getting into this debate of “Humanity vs. Religion” it is crucial to clarify both the terms. What is religion? What is humanity? The word “humanity” is little confusing in this context because it has two meanings. Humanity can mean: humankind (human beings collectively) or the quality of being humane i.e. showing kindness, mercy, sympathy, empathy, thoughtfulness, goodwill, etc. towards others. Religion is “human beings’ relation to that which they regard as holy, sacred, absolute, spiritual, divine, or worthy of especial reverence. It is also commonly regarded as consisting of the way people deal with ultimate concerns about their lives and their fate after death according to Britannica. Cambridge dictionary defines it as: “the belief in and worship of a god or gods, or any such system of belief and worship. Oxford dictionary defines it as: “The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods”.

No matter which is the right definition one underlying factor of the beliefs of the world religions is that religion is human’s response to the divine. It is the relationship between the finite human and the infinite divine.  How strong that relationship is and how it influences the life of the believer depends on the scriptures of the particular religion and how they are being interpreted and understood by the believer. In most of the religions the divine is seen as controlling not only human life but the whole cosmos.  The divine is seen as super power, invisible power. That’s the reason the finite human believes that this infinite divine should be appeased and satisfied in order to be blessed. This belief is carried out in many varied rites and rituals. When the original meaning and context of the ritual is forgotten then religions turn out to be useless ritualistic exercises. When there are no proper well studied interpretations of the sacred texts the improper understanding of the scriptures can make humans fanatics and thereby dangerous threatening the peace and harmony of this world.

Christianity differs from other religions.  The argument that humanity (meaning people with kind and compassionate hearts) is better than religion does not hold water for Christians simply because the source of our compassion and kindness is Jesus Christ.  Our God though infinite and other worldly is not just an invisible reality like the other religions.  Our God has a face and that face is Jesus Christ.  Our God is visible and tangible and can be experienced through signs and symbols especially through the sacraments. Yes! In the past there have been misguided interpretations of the scriptures and the sacred tradition that led to fanaticism and the destruction of certain indigeneous cultures. Yes! There are also some fanatic groups in Christianity.  Yes! There are sometimes unpleasant things happening in Christian religion.  But to deny the significance of Christianity and choose only humanity for Christians it is a huge fallacy.  For a Christian there is no humanity without divinity; there are no human values without their base on divine values.  In fact compassion and forgiveness are the words that define Christianity. If you are a Christian you are called to be compassionate. If you cut off the source of compassion which is Jesus Christ where is humanity? Because of certain unpleasant events in the church to relegate Christianity to the back benches is committing spiritual suicide.  Every religion begins as a movement and then settles down as an institution.  Every major religion has gone through this process.  Every institution has its own limitations and drawbacks. When you see religion as an institution one tends to be critical.  Therefore it’s extremely imperative to interpret and rightly understand the sacred scriptures well. Religion is intrinsically related to humanity.  Man is born religious.

If man is born religious and if religion is an integral part of human existence then why do some people hate religion?  Religious scandals and religious fanaticism have caused this hatred. Therefore some if not many have tried to do away with religion. Just because man has failed to understand God it is not right to judge God for the doings of man. It is not logical and sensible to reject religion for the failures of man. A finite being will never have a perfect understanding of the infinite being. This will result in some misinterpretation of God. Therefore religion continues the search for the right understanding of God and our relationship with Him. In the Christian perspective this is an unending onward journey that will culminate in our resurrection. Meanwhile some scandals and some fanatic ways of doing things will also continue. Such behavior will continue because the Church made up of living members is not perfect. Christianity is a road of perfection to be perfect like the heavenly father.  We will fall. We will fail. We will make mistakes.  But our all mighty God will write straight on the crooked lines of the Church.

Humanity is awakened in us when we listen to our conscience which is the voice of God.  A God conscious soul can never be inhuman or a fanatic. A God conscious soul is always conscious of sin within himself. S/he is always compassionate. When we lose consciousness of sin we cease to be human.  We fail to respect not only other human beings but also other creatures. When we cease to be human we do all immoral inhumane things that cause immense suffering to humankind. God conscious soul recognizes that everyone no matter which religion one follows is in search of the infinite divine. In this common search for God lies our universal brotherhood. Jesus Christ the face of the infinite compassionate God teaches us to be truly human. He did that so beautifully on Calvary.  Only God could be so compassionate in such a horrible situation. Humanity alone cannot do that.  Humanity alone cannot provide that courage and motivation. Jesus can.  Therefore we need Jesus to be our inspiration and strength to be truly human.


Wednesday, 8 June 2022

Living Pentecost Experience in the modern difficult world

Fr Nelson Lobo OFM Cap

 You might have experienced people hating you for no reason sometimes may be even your family members and yet you responded with love. you might have numerous financial or family problems and yet you wear a smile on your face in public. There is lot of anxiety surrounding you yet you have strange peace within your heart. People have gossiped about you because of your talents gifts and success yet you were kind to them. People had planned to stall your promotion or to throw you out of the company or family and yet you were good to them. You were hurt by the unfaithfulness of your partner yet you remained faithful. People have been very harsh with you but you reacted gently to their vicious insinuations. You have been tempted to sleep around, to cheat, to rob, to gossip but you exercised self control. 
WOW! You are on fire because you have all the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22). 
Happy fruit salad day. Happy Pentecost Day. You are the living Church.



What was happening in other metro cities is now happening in Goa specially near Old market circle in margao. At traffic signals we see migrants with sleeping babies on their shoulders begging in the name of babies.

👉🏼👉🏼Have you ever wondered why these babies are found always sleeping when the ladies carrying them are begging? 🤔🤔🤔
Even in the afternoon when the sun is literally burning your skin babies are fast asleep. These ladies are professional beggars. They are trained to beg. Innocent babies are drugged and are used for this purpose. It is a gang of ladies and babies who are usually led by an unknown leader who drops them at particular junctions in the morning and picks them up at night. The money collected by the ladies goes to their gang leader. It's a very sorry state of affairs. We feel sorry and compassion for them. But for them such type of begging is a profession. Since good people are always kind to open their purse to help, such professional beggars flourish in this trade. I have read many stories of such professional beggars dying rich with plenty of cash in their sacks. There are many other issues connected to this trade such as prostitution and kidnaping of babies. Why are the ladies not working? Is it because begging is easier than work? Is it because begging can earn them more money without struggle than daily work? The leper beggars in Bangalore city were picked up by the police and were admitted in the leper colonies run by catholic priests and nuns. I have lived in one such colony in Bangalore for a month where I saw these lepers escape and begin once again to beg on the streets. They love their freedom and money more than their health. Some years back I attended a sociology seminar where the priest social worker explained to us how these professional beggars work near the traffic signals and at bus/train stations.
So next time look carefully at the sleeping babies and think twice before encouraging such professional beggars. Well our mind understands the tragic issue but our compassionate hearts want to reach out to them. Let your hearts be generous with food and clothing but NOT money. Working is human begging is inhuman.

Baptism of the Lord by Fr Nelson Lobo OFM Cap

  WONDERING GURU Isaiah 42: 1-4, 6-7 or (40: 1-5, 9-11);  Psalm 104: 1b-2, 3-4, 24-30 Titus 2: 11-14; 3: 4-7;  Luke 3: 15-16, 21-22   ...