Wondering Guru
A humble request to all Catholics. We are in Holy Week please refrain from commenting on politics. Do not get into arguments and dirty talks. You will have enough time to debate after Easter.
Do not worry about the Church. No authority can wipe off the Church. The Church i.e the baptised Christians belong to Jesus. So Jesus will take care of His bride the church.
The great Pharaoh tried to finish Israel but was himself defeated. The great Roman emperors tried to finish Christianity but it survived under their very nose for 330years.
So if emperors and kings with absolute authority could do very little why do you worry about a particular government in a democracy? Relax! Strengthen your faith. Where there is faith there is no worry and where there is worry there is no faith.
Politics is a big temptation to shift focus from the cross. I suggest engage your minds and hearts on the agony of Jesus and Mary on the cross. Discuss issues like why God chose cross to save us? Which crooked mind invented punishment of the cross? Mary chosen by God hardly had good life. Why she had to undergo so much pain?
My dear fellow brothers n sisters happy preparation for Easter. 15 April 2019
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