Tuesday, 12 July 2022

PASTOR’S DAY 2022 by Fr. Nelson Lobo OFM Cap


The 10 ingredients that make a good Pastor as found in 

1 Tim 3:2-4

A young preacher wanted to preach in a robe so the tailor took measurements. The tailor asked this young preacher how long he’d been in the ministry. “What does that have to do with making my robe?” the young preacher snorted. “Everything, I’ve made a lot of robes, and if you’re young in the ministry you think you know it all and you walk around with your head held high and your chest stuck out…so I need to make it longer in front and shorter in back. But if you’ve been in the ministry for some time, you know you don’t know it all, you’re pretty level headed and level hearted! Finally, once you’ve been serving God a long time, you realize you don’t know anything, you spend most of your time with your head bowed in prayer asking for wisdom, or on your knees looking to the only One who can help! You need it shorter in front and longer in back!

Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3 not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. 4 He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect” (1 Tim 3:2-4).

1. Above Reproach This first characteristic would be the foundation to the others.  He is a pastor who should not have any obvious flaws. It means he should be blameless, upright, clean, irreproachable. He should have no question marks. He should not have to be defended. This is someone who exemplifies Jesus Christ in his lifestyle. He’s someone who’s honest, who can be trusted, who radiates Christ, who keeps his word, who doesn’t let you down and who doesn’t take advantage of others. He is simply saintly and holy.

2. Temperate- It means a pastor should be self-controlled, disciplined, just & fair, honest & orderly. No self-indulgence and no over- reaction.  He has the right spiritual orientation. He remains stable and steadfast. His thinking is clear and he has the right attitude. A more modern way of saying this is he’s “Calm & cool & re-collected!”

3. Respectable- He is a gentleman physically, mentally & spiritually. He possesses inner moral excellence and outward orderly behaviour.  He is a man who lives in such a way that his life-style reflects the teachings of Christ. Whether it is his dress, speech, the appearance of his room or office or the way he deals with others, all are to be in proper relationship to Biblical principle and priestly formation. 

4. Hospitable-It means having an attitude of unselfishness; being kind to the strangers, ready to help the less fortunate. His fellowship is helpful and loving. He compliments his powerful sermons with loving pastoral activities. Someone exclaimed “a church that eats together, stays together”.

5. Able to Teach-When we think of teaching, we only imagine a classroom with students and a teacher. Here it can mean someone who has the ability to communicate with someone else, no matter where, in any setting- offline or online too.  It’s my experience that imparting biblical teachings in a friendly casual way at home on a visit or on phone is more effective than a sermon. A good pastor looks out for “teachable moments”. Most of these are not in class settings. A pastor must be a man of the Book who remains humble, sensitive and desires to know the will of God.

6. Not Given to Drunkenness & Not Violent—Bible always stresses avoiding extremes. A pastor who can’t control a vice or an area of his life, whether it is a substance or a bad habit is not to be a leader.  So also, a man who is quick to fight with words or fists is not to be a pastor. Alcohol and violence many times go hand in hand. Causing other Christians to stumble in faith because of pastor’s bad behaviour is not only a shame but also a big NO to be a leader.

7. Gentle or patient- Shepherding involves caring, tending, helping. It necessitates gentleness and understanding. It eliminates rudeness. A pastor is firm on Christian principles, values and rules but he is not harsh or rude in their implementation.

8. Not Quarrelsome or Overbearing -He has to learn to get along with others. There is such great wisdom in team-work. Scripture always refers the plurality of the pastorship. No one man runs the show, or has his way. It is not a corporation where there is a CEO or president. Pastors cannot afford to be self-willed, stubborn, self-pleasing or arrogant. The pastors learn to serve along-side each other but under their rightful elder (the bishop) working through even difficulties and disagreements.

9. Not a Lover of Money-This is the root of all evil. Love of money can lead to misappropriation of goods, drunkenness, immoral ways of doing things and corruption. The last commandment prohibits coveting. Money itself is not evil. No one can live without money but the love of money is dangerous. It is a matter of priorities. The natural tendency is that when earthly possessions multiply, God is forgotten. Pastors must lead their flock to build treasurers in heaven.  

10. Good Reputation with Community-He must have a favourable testimony from outsiders. Specifically, those outside his community or parish. His present conduct and past reputations which are impeccable are desirable. It has to do with honesty of character and moral principles.

How many pastors today will pass these criteria?

 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things”. (Philip 4: 8)

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Baptism of the Lord by Fr Nelson Lobo OFM Cap

  WONDERING GURU Isaiah 42: 1-4, 6-7 or (40: 1-5, 9-11);  Psalm 104: 1b-2, 3-4, 24-30 Titus 2: 11-14; 3: 4-7;  Luke 3: 15-16, 21-22   ...