Wednesday, 4 October 2023

Taking Care of the Kingdom of God by Fr Nelson Lobo OFM Cap




Isaiah 5:1-7; Phil 4:6-9; Mt 21: 33-43

Fr Nelson Lobo OFM Cap


Introduction:  The vineyard immediately brings to mind Israel (Is 5:1-7). The landowner who planted the vineyard is God. The wicked vinedressers [husbandmen] represent Israel’s leaders (Mt 21:45). The servants who were sent on behalf of the landowner represent the prophets. As a nation, Israel rejected many of her prophets (2 Chr. 36:15-16). Note the cry of Jesus over Jerusalem later on in (Mt 23:37). The landowner’s son is Jesus Christ Himself. The Pharisees knew he was talking about them. They had been given a vineyard to work in. Overtime, they claimed the vineyard as their own, No longer open to the outsider, but instead, a closed fraternity of “holy” people. Other prophets were beaten, maimed, and murdered so that the assumed authority of the Pharisees would not be challenged.

   This was God’s plan thwarted by His chosen people.  Jesus reminds the pharisees. God sent Noah, the Flood and Death. The sin that began in the Garden of Eden grew until it covered the whole world. God saved Noah and his family, mankind began over again, but man was going down into sin’s dungeon again. He sent Moses, the Law, and the Blood Sacrifice. One would think they would be grateful, but less than a hundred miles in their journey, they already sinned against Almighty God. He sent David with songs of assurance and forgiveness. The testimonies of David did not move the people, they went on and on in their sins. He sent Isaiah with his loving invitations but the people went on in sin. He sent the Kings of the earth, with captivity and chastisement. Last of all He sent His Son (Mat 21:33-4). God told his people if they sinned, he would send them into captivity, they lived right for a while but soon forgot. Cruel Kings with armies came and took them into slavery. Every plan seemed to fail; it was always man’s fault. Then God did the greatest thing he ever did.  Last of all he sent His Son.  Here are some things to help us understand why God sent his Son.

       GOD SENT HIS SON TO REVEAL HIS OWN HEART-Through the years people had heard about God, they had felt his judgements. But really did not know his great heart or how much he really loved them. So, when Jesus came, God said "This is my beloved Son, hear him" In saying this he was telling them My son and me are one.  To love God and Know God’s love, one has to look into the face of Jesus Christ.

GOD SENT HIS SON TO BE A PICTURE OF HIS POWER-When he saw a blind man, he gave him his sight. To a cripple he gave his walk, to a leper he gave cleansing, He brought the dead to life, gave comfort and hope to broken hearts, He stilled the storms and fed the hungry. All this he did to show how God cared for his people.

GOD SENT HIS SON TO BECOME A BLOOD SACRIFICE-Christ is the only and final sacrifice for sin. Rivers of animal blood could never do what Jesus did. The Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin.

GOD SENT HIS SON TO BE A NEW AND LIVING WAY-The only way to heaven is through Jesus. He is the ladder from earth to heaven.

Conclusion: The first reading is a message from God’s prophet to His people Israel. It is a parable with a terribly sad ending. You see, Israel had failed God again. And we shrug our shoulders and sigh. We shake our heads. Why? Why would Israel reject God and His call to Holiness again and again. If only we had the signs and wonders they had, we’d never fall away! But The Church the new Israel like the old Israel listens but she doesn’t learn.

     Like the Pharisees we come to think of the vineyard as something we own. The church, our jobs, our money, our possessions, and yes, even our bodies. None of this stuff is ours actually. We are merely stewards in the vineyard not the owners. God desires to order our lives. To make it manageable, even prosperous if we will trust him. If we put him first, these other things take on a far different perspective. God gives us a certain order to our lives if we are willing to be obedient, faithful stewards of the gifts he has given us. When we recognize that what we have is not ours in the first place, it frees us from having to constantly try and control and worry about everything, It allows God to be God the master of the vineyard.

Jesus told the religious leaders of his time and he is telling us his followers of modern times that if do not take proper care of the kingdom of God it would be given to others. And those others could be anyone irrespective of religion, culture or country who believes that Jesus is the son of God. So, let’s be responsible and faithful in taking care of the kingdom of God producing good fruits that build the kingdom of God.

👉27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 8th October 2023



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Baptism of the Lord by Fr Nelson Lobo OFM Cap

  WONDERING GURU Isaiah 42: 1-4, 6-7 or (40: 1-5, 9-11);  Psalm 104: 1b-2, 3-4, 24-30 Titus 2: 11-14; 3: 4-7;  Luke 3: 15-16, 21-22   ...